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Carlisle Tri Club are pleased to announce the following events taking place next year!

🚴 Carlisle Tri Club Duathlon – 16th March 2025

🏃‍♀️ Carlisle Tri Club 10k Run – 8th June 2025

🏊 Carlisle Tri Club Triathlon – 20th July 2025 (At the Sands Centre, Carlisle)

More information to follow!

Save the dates we look forward to seeing you all there!

28.03.24 Carlisle Tri 10K entries open at 10am tomorrow!

The annual Carlisle Tri Club 10k route uses mainly quiet country roads and finishes directly in front of the racecourse grandstand. This is an officially measured and certified accurate course by the Association of UK Course Measurers. This run will be chip timed with a water station at the half way point. There is a bespoke medal for all finishers. This race is suitable for beginners and experienced athletes alike. We look forward to seeing you there!

Enter the race here ->

For full race details, visit the event page here -> Carlisle Tri 10k

17.01.24 Carlisle Duathlon now open!

Carlisle Duathlon takes part on quiet country roads and is a perfect warm up for the season ahead. The duathlon consists of a 4.2k run, 24.2k bike, 4.2k run. This duathlon is suitable for all abilities from novice to experienced athlete. There will be refreshments including our famous cake buffet in the village hall after the event. Entries are open now!

Enter the race here ->

For full race details, visit the event page here -> Carlisle Duathlon

17.04.23 Carlisle Tri 10K now open!

The 10k route uses mainly quiet country roads. The run will finish directly in front of the racecourse grandstand. This is an officially measure and certified accurate course by the Association of UK Course Measurers. There will be a water station just past the halfway point. There will be a water station at the finish for you to collect a bottle of water from. Entries are open now!

Enter the race here ->

For full race details, visit the event page here -> Carlisle Tri 10K

16.01.22 CTC Duathlon entries now open!

Carlisle Duathlon takes part on quiet country roads and is a perfect warm-up for the season ahead. The duathlon consists of a 4.2k run, 24.2k bike, 4.2k run. This duathlon is suitable for all abilities from novice to experienced athlete. Check out the full details here, or head over to the link below to sign up!

Enter the race here ->

10.12.21 Event dates for your calendar!

We now have our dates for next year’s event calendar! Head on over to our events page to check out when our events are so you can book them in to your own calendar. Entries will be open soon!

  • CTC Duathlon – 20th March 2022
  • CTC 10K – 1st June 2022
  • CTC Triathlon – 7th August 2022

18.08.21 Weekly training sessions are back!

Our training sessions are back on, and we have a great new way to manage your sessions! The committee have been working hard behind the scenes to make booking sessions as simple as possible. So we’ve now got the perfect app for this. From now on, we will be using Coacha to communicate to members, book sessions, etc. Head to our coaches corner to find out how to book your next training session!

New course records up for grabs!

At the 2021 CTC 10K race, Marc Brown set a new course record of 31:24! Not only that, but we also had a new British V65 time of 35:59 from Alistair Walker! The course records are always changing, however there are still new records to be set…

Due to Morton pools closing, both the triathlon and aquathlon races have moved. The new races will be centred around Wigton as the events will be making use of their lovely pool. As such the courses are all new, and with new courses comes new course records! Head over to the events page to sign up and compete for that record, or if you’d like to see all current records, click here.

Medals for 2021 events

We were very excited about the medals that we had designed and produced for our 2020 events! Have a look! Aren’t they brilliant?

Having not been able to run most of our events this year though, we are hoping to hold the postponed 2020 duathlon and 10k in 2021. We hope that you will understand that for these events, your medal will be the design that we had made for this year.

Carlisle Tri club and the events are run entirely by volunteers and we simply do not have the funds to bin all the 2020 medals and replace them. It would also be a huge waste of wonderful medals! We hope that you will still be delighted with your medal and your memento not only of the event next year, but also of 2020, the year when everything was postponed!

2021 Events Update!

So our plans for our events in 2020 didn’t quite turn out as we’d planned thanks to the global pandemic! We are aware that you are all keen to be back racing as soon as possible so here is an update on what we’re hoping to do with our events next year.

At the moment we are planning for the duathlon and the 10k run to go ahead. We are in the process of submitting detailed plans and risk assessments to the local council and governing sports bodies. It is only if these are accepted and authorised that we will be able to go ahead. Of course, a lot can change between now and the event dates and we have to accept that we may do a lot of work for the Covid situation to change things at the last minute. However, we are confident that we can deliver these two events in a Covid safe way, although this of course means that they won’t be run in quite the same way as we’re used to.

There is a set of guidelines for our planned events that we would ask you to look at. The provisional dates are 21st March 2021 for the duathlon and 2nd June 2021 for the 10k run. We will do everything we can to deliver the events on those dates but may of course have to change them depending on the Covid situation nearer the time.

We will also do our best to put on the aquathlon and triathlon, however at the moment the pool at Morton is closed. Until this reopens obviously we are unable to hold these events, however we will keep you updated as soon as we have any news.

If you entered the duathlon this year, we will be emailing you soon to outline your options for 2021 events. We will also be contacting the contestants who entered the aquathlon and were unable to make the postponed date.

We look forward to 2021 being a great year for the club even if it is with a few adjustments as we all get used to the new normal!

Save our Stan – Fancy Dress 5k

We’re sure that most of you are aware of the campaign to ‘Save our Stan’.

After we’d read the heart breaking story of this little boy’s fight against leukaemia the committee felt that we couldn’t sit back and do nothing so we’re delighted to be launching our Fancy Dress 5k Fun Run!

This is a virtual (socially distanced) event that is open to everyone. The hope is to fill the streets with people running (or walking) in fancy dress over the weekend of 10th – 12th July and make people smile while raising funds for the life-saving treatment that Stan so urgently needs! It’s just ÂŁ5 to take part, you will have a finisher’s certificate emailed to you and there will be spot prizes for the best fancy dress!

All profits raised will be going to the Save our Stan campaign.

You can read more of his story here:

You can sign up to take part here:

If you don’t want to run in fancy dress that’s fine too, the main aim is to raise as much as we can to help Stan. Happy running everyone!

CTC Virtual 5K/10K

We may not be able to hold our usual events this year but are very excited to bring you our first ever virtual run! 

We will be donating any profits from this event to Eden Valley Hospice, so not only do you get to run, but you get to help support a great local charity too! For just £5 you can choose to run either 5k or 10k and must complete your run at any time between 1st June and 8pm on 7th June 2020. Your run can take place in any safe, socially distant location of your choice!

Once you have completed your run you need to send your result to 

The results will be verified and we aim to put a leader board on the club facebook page each day. It must be a continuous run! No stopping for a breather and pausing your garmin (we will be checking)! Each competitor will receive a certificate which will be emailed to them and a lucky dip medal (subject to availability).

You can enter here:

Happy running everyone!


With great sadness – and following latest advice from the government, BTF and EAA with regards Covid-19 – we regret to announce there will be NO CLUB TRAINING SESSIONS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. We have made this decision for the safety of our members, their families and the wider community. Where possible, athletes at all levels are encouraged to maintain their own personal fitness levels and keep active, while following government guidelines about safe distance and environments. We will update members as the situation progresses. In the meantime, please all stay safe and take care. We are all hoping the situation is resolved as soon as possible so we can get back to normal.

BRITISH TRIATHLON STATEMENT:–-updated-tuesday-17-march_13787


Carlisle Tri AGM.

The Club’s AGM will take place on Tuesday 10th March at 8.15pm, at Energi Trampoline Park, Willowholme.

Pizza and soft drinks will be provided (so if you go to the Track Session before hand, you’ll be fed and watered afterwards!) and you will have an opportunity to hear from the Chair and other Committee members about what plans there are for the following year and to make your own proposals and suggestions for how we can all take the Club forward.


CTC Awards Evening!

This year’s glittering 10th Anniversary Award’s Ceremony and Celebration Dinner will take place at the Halston in Carlisle.
Members can look forward to a welcome drink on arrival, a three course meal and live entertainment from amazing local band 3 River City!
Once again the club are subsidising the cost of the night for Tri Club members to just ÂŁ25 for members and ÂŁ35.00 for non members (discount applied at checkout).

Partners are welcome. Dress code will be smart.

We look forward to celebrating the first ten years of the Tri Club with as many of you as possible!